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Pine Creek Weekend

While Scott was at Grandfather Mountain‘s Nature Photography Weekend in North Carolina with his PDML buddies, the girls and I met Mom and Dad up at Pine Creek for a weekend mini-vacation.  Kassidy and Aaron arrived over Memorial Day weekend, so we’ve been trying to spend as much time as possible with them, so they can get lots of visiting and playing in while they’re here.  We stayed at the same house in Torbert Village we had visited a few summers ago when we stayed there with Aunt Sara and Uncle Kevin.

The girls jumped into their swimsuits as soon as we got there and headed down to the creek.  Aaron had caught a huge catfish earlier in the day and was waiting to show it to the girls.  He was very proud and they were all impressed with how big it was. Molly was a little afraid to get too close to it, but eventually we convinced her to get close enough for a picture.


Dad and I piled all the kids in the canoe, except for Kassidy (who went out in one of the kayaks that was at the house) and took them for a ride upstream a bit.  Kassidy did great with the kayak.  Megan and Aaron took turns paddling the canoe, but didn’t last too long.  Molly just wanted to sit on Grandpa’s lap the whole trip!


Molly wasn’t too sure about the water, which was a real change from when we were there a few years ago.  Then she stripped down to her diaper and charged right in (she was almost 2).  This time, she was pretty apprehensive.  Finally she agreed to go in with Grandpa, but you can see she didn’t like letting go of him.


After a few minutes, she was done and came charging out of the water.  One of her shoes got stuck in the mud, and that just made her more afraid to go in.  She spent most of the rest of the weekend like this on the “sitting rock” or on the swingset up near the house, although she did wade in up to her ankles a few times on Saturday.


Megan, on the other hand, went right in.  She was not afraid of the water at all and was really sure of herself.  She put her life jacket on and went all over the place with my Dad.  They also waded downstream quite a bit on a “creek walk”.  They were quite the adventurers…


A little relaxation in the hammock was followed by dinner.


Nearing dusk, the kids saw a fish jump out in the creek and insisted that we had to go try to catch one.  All of them decided they wanted to fish, so we rounded up the poles, baited the hooks and sat there till it was to dark.


We finally rounded the kids up from the creek and had a campfire, topped off with s’mores.  What a great day…with more to come…

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