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Gingerbread House

Megan’s school put on a Christmas Event called Winterland of Gingerbread. Each child was invited to decorate and bring a gingerbread house to the event which had several holiday themed activities. So I bought a kit and a few days before the event, Megan, Molly and I built and decorated the house.

Both girls […]

Christmas Baking

The weekend before Christmas, we made a trip to Jersey Shore to visit Nana for Christmas. My parents were also planning to go, so mom and I decided to take advantage of the time together and do a baking marathon. We both brought our favorite recipes and lots of ingredients. We spent most of the […]

Making Pasta

I was off work today and wanted to do something special with Megan. For a while, I’d been considering breaking out the pasta maker and decided this morning that today would be the day. So I dug out the recipe and told Megan about the plan. She was very eager to learn how we […]

Gingerbread House

The girls and I put together a gingerbread house from a kit tonight. They had a blast putting candy ALL over it. I didn’t have nearly as much fun trying to make the icing pretty but still enjoyed watching them decorate it. Molly kept sneaking pieces of candy into her mouth – Megan was […]